I needed to process some IP addresses the other day to associate them with their originating Country. I implemented the code in Python (as usual), and decided to try out Hostip for the IP address to Country mappings. Hostip provides freely downloadable bdb data files (along with a mysql db and a CSV file). Using the bdb files isn’t straightforward, so here is a general recipe for consuming them:
Download the bdb files from hostip. There are three files, _hip_ip4country.db (maps IP to country id), _hipcountries.db (maps country id to country name), and _hip_ip4_city_laplng.db (maps IP to city location).
Open the files with Python. They’re bdb btree format files, so I found it easiest to open them with bsddb.btopen(FILENAME, ‘r’)
Convert your IP address to the correct format. Hostip bdb entries are keyed on class C block addresses, in integer format. The following code should do it:
def dottedQuadToNum(ip):
"convert decimal dotted quad string to long integer"
return struct.unpack('!L',socket.inet_aton(ip))[0]
ip = ""
ipparts = ip.split('.')
ipparts = ipparts[:3]
cclass = '.'.join(ipparts)
intcclass = dottedQuadToNum(cclass)
dottedQuadToNum from from
- Now, you can use the string representation of intcclass to get a country id from hip_ip4_counties.db, and use the id to get a country name from hip_countries.db