Got my odeo account

I got an invitation to join the Odeo beta this morning in my inbox. Odeo has three sections: listen, sync, and create. Listen lets you browse for podcasts, sorted by popularity, age, and so on. Sync lets you manage your podcast subscriptions, view a list of podcasts from your subscriptions that you have no let listened to, and download the Odeo syncr, a podcast client (you can use any client you want, however). »

Went Pro

I upgraded my flickr account on Sunday. I’m in the process of uploading select photos from the Germany trip, but it’s going to take a while. »


It was a matter of survival, I thought. I found myself in an environment where there were 2 kinds of people: those who used jedit, and those who used vim. The last emacs user had been given a pair of cement shoes. I wasn’t going down that way; not me. So I gave it another shot. Herk had given me a nice wizz-bang demonstration of what an experience vim user can do, and I was impressed. »

No, I won't be wearing my GUADEC t-shirt

In the interest of total media saturation, I’m going to post here an email I recently sent out: ` Sorry for the late announcement, but here goes: The short and sweet announcement (long and bitter follows): This Monday, June 13, at 6:00 pm in teaching lab 3, the Dal-ACM will be hosting a tutorial covering the ins and outs of working on a large Open Source project, GNOME. The tutorial will probably last around 2 hours, and will cover such topics as: software engineering and development tools use in the GNOME project fundamental GNOME libraries a GNOME geography lesson Free software hacking for fun an profit Don’t forget your towel! »


After fighting with my PC for a few hours tonight, getting the network and X working again (the price one pays for bleeding-edge software), I rolled out a new release of gnome-keyring-manager (2.11.1!!). Now if only more programs actually used gnome-keyring. Obviously, I’m back from Germany now. The whole trip was awesome; I’ll probably mention it in more detail once I get the photos online. »

Live aus Stuttgart

I’m in Stuttgart for GUADEC and it rocks. The conference has been a blast (I suspect it will continue to be a blast for the rest of the final day), and I’ve met lots of awesome people. Plus, I got myself one of the exclusive speakers-only guadec bags. I know you’re jealous. »

Bonzo Goes to Bitburg

I leave for GUADEC today. I’m very excited; not only to I get to go to Europe for the first time in my life, and do some exploring with my dad, I also get to meet some good friends that I’ve made over the past year. Our (father and I) whirlwind airplane tour begins in Halifax, stops briefly in Boston, then Paris, then ends in Stuttgart. It should be fun (I like air travel), and dad will no doubt take many good pictures from the air. »

Book Action -- Mono: A Developer's Notebook

I recieved a review copy of Mono: A Developer’s Notebook through the Dal-ACM’s militant arm, our own ORUG. The review is now up on the Dal-ACM web site; the short version is that the book is good. Next on the chopping block is Code Complete. I’m already a few hundred pages in, and its been great so far. I can’t wait to find out who the real killer is. »

The future of beverage technology

For years, we Canadians have envied our American neighbors. Our Mountain Dew was caffine free; theirs was one of the most caffinated beverages available, second only to Jolt. No longer do we have to make expensive trips to the states or pay dewrunners to haul loads in their boats! Mountain Dew Energy is now available in stores! It’s good. It doesn’t taste exactly like regular Mountain Dew, but neither does American Mountain Dew. »