The ol' update post

Ms. Vissers (now Mrs. Vissers-Bowes) and I got married on May 20th, 2006. We flew back to Halifax for the ceremony; it was a beautiful day. I love her, and it was definitely the best day of my life. This week we expanded our family. Julius is our new baby boy. So far Spook has been a little scared of him, but we’re taking the introduction slow. Hopefully they will get along. »

The Theatre Serves Beer

Green Thumb: Cherie and I planted assorted seeds outside next to our porch today. They should look better than dirt and trash when they are grown in. Red Hat: Sent a patch to the yum devel list the other day. The patch basically did a bunch of stuff that had already been discussed on the yum lists, like Composite pattern for PackageSacks. While the patch has yet to be committed, it still feels good to give back to the community. »

Two dollar T-shirt

Cook-Out is an eatery here in NC. I don’t know what the food is like, but the clothing is awesome! »

Keane is Krazy

Got an email to my Comp Sci account from a Keane recruiter today. It was very generic; my name wasn’t in the email, and it said they were hiring for basically every position under the sun, and my skills matched those. I sent a reply saying that I was happily employed and no longer living in the area, but thanks for asking and good luck in your search! The email was total spam, and even if I was looking for a job the nature of this email would have completely turned me off. »

Possibly a Bad Generator Definition?

As I obliquely alluded to the other day, big things are happening. I’m resigning from my current job as a software developer. Ms. Vissers and I are packing up and leaving the province. The country, in fact. We’re moving to North Carolina. I got a job at Red Hat. I’ll be working as a software engineer on Red Hat Network. The product sounds interesting, and the technologies involved sound fun. Oh yeah, and the develop on Linux ;) I’m pretty pumped about it. »

Public Service Announcement

Fedora Core is the best Linux distribution for home use. Red Hat Enterprise Linux is the best Linux distribution for office use. That is all. »

Mersey River Chalets

Mersey River Chalets Photos For herk, and anyone else who may be interested, here are some photos of Mersey River Chalets. »


I am not impressed by the ipod nano. What gets me excited is the ipod yotta, which takes 12 stout men to work the clickwheel, and can hold enough music to last you till the heat-death of the universe. »