Using, Haml, Sass, and Compass on Blogger

I tried to see how many cool toys I could use to create my own blogger template. So far I have: 960 Grid System for a nice 2 column layout. Haml for the unstyled template. Sass for style. Compass and Rake to tie it all together. You can find the result on github, here. Any readers who have noticed a similarity in chosen technology to those used by Katello get bonus points! »

Retrofitting drop shadows into existing Android layouts

I had some UI elements in an Android application I’m working on that felt as if they should be above (pushing out of the screen, rather than to the top of it) the elements that followed them in the UI. A good way to indicate this is with a drop shadow, similar to those on Android title bars or Action Bars. An existing method didn’t work for me, as my UI is relying heavily on weights to keep proper size ratios between the elements I wanted to add a drop shadow to, and the element they would be casting a shadow on. »

2% Genius

Agile Tsar Dmitri Dolguikh pointed out Project Euler yesterday, which is a website containing a series of short programming problems. It reads a bit like bonus questions on a math exam, which is actually quite refreshing compared to the day-to-day problems at work. For added fun, I’m trying to run through the problems in Common Lisp. So far I have completed 4 out of 179 problems, which makes me 2% genius, according to the site. »

Mission Accomplished!

A lot of people are linking to this article about the state of the practice in CS curriculum and its use of Java creating dull replaceable drones. mdehaan points out a wonderful section wherein the authors relate Java programming to a plumber in a hardware store, finding pieces and putting them together to solve a problem, rather than their unmentioned alternative (maybe an artist molding clay?) If this is true, then we, the software industry and software engineering fields, are done. »