CPSN v0.8.0

This is just a quick update to CPSN, fixing detection of stale cookies. It will also prompt you for a username and password if you forget to put one in the settings file (or don’t want to save your password on disk). Install it with gem install –user cpsn Check the included README for details on configuration. Git: https://github.com/jbowes/cpsn Note: Using CPSN probably violates any number of Terms of Service, etc. »

Installing ruby gems in your home directory

I found it hard to find good instructions for installing ruby gems as a non- root user without installing the gem package locally as well. Here’s what I figured out; hopefully this will save someone else some time in the future: Make a directory for gem installation: $> mkdir ~/.gems Set up your .gemrc for gem install-time configuration: $> cat << EOF > ~/.gemrc gemhome: $HOME/gems gempath: - $HOME/gems - /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8 EOF Set up some environment variables for run-time: $> cat << EOF >> ~/.bashrc export GEM_HOME=$HOME/gems export GEM_PATH=$HOME/gems:/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/ export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/gems/bin EOF Source your bashrc and you’re all set. »