In case you find yourself in need of a way to turn an svn revision into a git patch that can be applied with ‘git am’, keeping the commit message and authorship information, here’s a script I used recently:
# - Convert an SVN revsion to a Git patch.
# Author: James Bowes <>
# Usage:
# $> cd my-svn-repo
# AUTHORS_FILE - a CSV of svn username, full name, email
# REV_RANGE - an svn revision range, like 100-700
# REVISION - a single svn revision
# You may specify either a revision range, or a series of individual
# svn revisions
# Output:
# A series of git style patch files, one per svn revision, which can then be
# applied with 'git am'
# Why use this instead of 'git svn'?
# I had done a large repo conversion via git svn where we wanted no downtime
# for the switchover. After removing the git svn specific info from our git
# commits, I used this tool to bring in commits from svn, keeping svn and git
# in sync, until we were ready to switch.
import sys
import commands
def svnlog_to_gitlog(authors, svnlog):
lines = svnlog.split("\n")
lines = lines[1:-1]
metainfo = lines[0].split(" | ")
subject = lines[2]
description = lines[3:]
author = metainfo[1]
day = metainfo[2].split("(")[1][:-1]
time = metainfo[2].split(" ")[1]
offset = metainfo[2].split(" ")[2]
gitlog = []
gitlog += ["From: %s <%s>" % authors[author]]
gitlog += ["Date: %s %s %s" % (day, time, offset)]
gitlog += ["Subject: [PATCH] %s" % subject]
gitlog += [""]
gitlog += description
gitlog += [""]
return '\n'.join(gitlog)
def svndiff_to_gitdiff(svndiff):
lines = svndiff.split("\n")
gitdiff = []
for line in lines:
if line.startswith("--- "):
gitdiff.append("--- a/" + line[4:])
elif line.startswith("+++ "):
gitdiff.append("+++ b/" + line[4:])
return '\n'.join(gitdiff)
def make_patch(authors, rev):
out = commands.getoutput("svn log -c %s ." % rev)
if len(out.split("\n")) < 2:
print "skipping r%s" % rev
patch = open(rev + ".patch", 'w')
patch.write(svnlog_to_gitlog(authors, out))
out = commands.getoutput("svn diff -c %s ." % rev)
print "wrote %s.patch" % rev
def main(args):
author_file = open(args[0])
authors = {}
print "loading authors"
for line in author_file.readlines():
parts = line.strip().split(", ")
authors[parts[0]] = (parts[1], parts[2])
revs = args[1:]
if len(revs) == 1 and '-' in revs[0]:
start, end = revs[0].split('-')
start = int(start)
end = int(end)
revs = [str(x) for x in range(start, end + 1)]
for rev in revs:
make_patch(authors, rev)
if __name__ == "__main__":